The Last Word on February 2015

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers Engagement Totally Matters (The Email Skinny) Sender reputation and personalized deliverability: what inbox engagement really means (MailUp) ISPs Live in the Age of the Customer, Do You? (Email Experience Council) Under…

The Last Word on January 2015

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets, and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers The Care and Keeping of Your Email Marketing Manager (Email Snarketing) The State of Split Testing (Howling Mad) Professional Email Design (Jason Rodriguez) 53% of Emails Opened on Mobile; Outlook Opens…

The Last Word on December 2014

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers Study Sheds New Light On ‘Dark’ Social, Finds Consumers Underestimate Their Own Behavior 2-to-1 (MediaPost) For Retailers, Email Marketing Helped Boost Cyber Monday (The Street) Gmail: Larger font sizes don’t mean…

The Last Word on November 2014

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers Could a Company See a 15 Percent Drop in Stock Value Due to Email? (ClickZ) What Do You Mean, ‘Email Marketers Need Not Apply’? (MediaPost) Insightful & entertaining tweets @lvojvodich: Engaged…

The Last Word for October 2014

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus: How will email be affected? (Alchemy Worx) Google’s responsive email moment, #letsfixemail and more at Inbox Love 2014 (Campaign Monitor) ‘I’m Mad as Hell…’:…

The Last Word on September 2014

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers How Gmail’s unsubscribe button really affects email marketers (Campaign Monitor) Email marketing innovations – what’s new? ( Stop Losing Subscribers: Slash Unsub Rates With Opt-Down Options (MediaPost) Energize Holiday Emails with…

The Last Word on August 2014

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers 7 experts on why building your email list is so important (Campaign Monitor) The New School Marketer’s Guide to Email Deliverability (Oracle) Video in Email (StyleCampaign) Insightful & entertaining tweets @matty_caldwell:…

The Last Word on July 2014

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers Maybe It’s Time To Redefine ‘The Store’ (Forbes) The World’s Top 50 Email Marketing Influencers (Vocus) What’s Next For Inbox Placement? (MediaPost) The Ultimate Guide to Email Image Blocking (Litmus) How…

The Last Word on June 2014

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers CASL’s Impact on Email Marketers (ClickZ) Blacklists: The Ultimate Guide (Return Path) All Senders Get Blacklisted, But Smart Ones Manage Risk (MediaPost) Email Marketing: Browse abandonment campaign drives more than $300,000…

The Last Word on May 2014

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, tweets and examples you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & whitepapers Gmail Data Analysis Reveals Image Blocking Affects 43% of Emails (Litmus) Users Receptive To Social Logins, Marketers Slow To Adopt Them (MediaPost) Gmail’s message to email marketers: Focus on engagement (Campaign…