Third Quarter 2024 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

2024 Q3 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

The holiday season doesn’t have an off-season. Having a successful holiday season means executing a successful year-round strategy. Oracle’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives you a quarter-by-quarter plan for how to achieve more during this critical time of the year. The third quarter is focused on the final prep for the start of…

Things I’ve Read about Email Marketing that Are Simply Wrong

Things I’ve Read About Email Marketing That Are Simply Wrong

The web has always been a dicey place to get email marketing advice. Too many people incorrectly think that email marketing hasn’t changed much over the years, so outdated information tends to get recirculated over and over and over. Based on the rise in factual inaccuracies I’ve been seeing in recent months,…

What Email Marketers Should Be Upset About

What Email Marketers Should Be Upset About

There’s no shortage of things in email marketing to be irritated about. The lack of email coding standards, the inconsistent email rendering, the partial support for CSS-based interactivity, the partial support of AMP for email, inconsistent implementations of dark mode, how expensive BIMI VMCs are,… Marketers have also been perpetually frustrated by…

Digital Marketing Domination podcast: Optimizing Email Campaigns

Digital Marketing Domination podcast: Optimizing Email Campaigns with Chad S White

What’s a good open rate? A good click rate? What metrics should businesses be focusing on? And how can they increase them? I join Digital Marketing Domination podcast host Jamil Zabaneh to talk about how businesses can optimize their email marketing results, and much more. Here’s a rundown of our conversation during…

The Right Success Metrics? Depends on Your Email Marketing Business Model

The Right Success Metrics - Depends on Your Email Marketing Business Model

As frustrating as it is to hear “It depends” when you need an answer, it’s far worse to get an overly simplified answer that flattens all the nuance out of a situation. Often, that’s the case with email marketing success metrics. Email opens? Clicks? Revenue? Chances are you’ve seen those held up…

Email’s Not Dead Podcast: The Latest Changes to Email Marketing

Email’s Not Dead Podcast- The Latest Changes to Email Marketing

Email marketing is constantly changing, which was the driving force behind me writing a 4th Edition of “Email Marketing Rules.” I join Email’s Not Dead podcast hosts Jonathan Torres and Eric Trinidad to talk about the latest edition of my book and the major changes that have happened just since its release…

4 Stakeholders Every Email Marketing Program Has & What They Want

4 Stakeholders Every Email Marketing Program Has & What They Want

Email marketing is as powerful as it is complicated—and that complexity is slowly growing over time. The reason it’s so complex boils down to one simple fact: Email marketing has multiple stakeholders, each with their own agenda and priorities. Email marketers have the challenging job of satisfying all of those stakeholders and…

4 Major Factors Impacting Email Marketing Performance This Holiday Season

4 Major Factors Impacting Email Marketing Performance This Holiday Season

It’s not enough to have meaningful external benchmarks and solid internal benchmarks. Marketers need the right perspective and context to properly use those benchmarks and to appropriately interpret their current results. That’s especially true during fast-moving peak seasons, like the holiday season for retailers and ecommerce brands. When measuring your email marketing…

Email Opens Are Not Dead: What’s Changed & What’s Not

Email Opens Are Not Dead- What's Changed and What Hasn't

Email opens have never been an incredibly accurate metric. Our approximation for the reads that inbox providers see, tracking pixel-based opens are deflated by image caching, image blocking, and email clients that don’t render images, such as voice assistants and smart watches. And they’re inflated by pre-fetching—most notoriously by Apple’s Mail Privacy…

The Business Storytelling Show: The Email Marketing Rules to Follow

Email Marketing Rules to Follow

Some email marketing rules are legally required. Others are essentially required by inbox providers. And still others are driven by the expectations of subscribers. That was the core of the conversation I had with The Business Storytelling Show podcast host Christoph Trappe about email marketing and the 4th edition of Email Marketing…