How the Pros Turn Marketing Analytics into Effective Marketing Strategies

An understanding of marketing analytics is key for brands to get the answers they need to attract and serve customers well. To get a holistic perspective on how marketers can use analytics wisely for email marketing, SEO, conversion, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, Alexa spoke with me and: Eric Enge, CEO at…

Teaching the Email Marketer How to Fish

Do you know what email marketing success looks like? Are you sure? Adobe just published a new interactive ebook that explores… What email metrics marketers should use to define success How success will be redefined over the next 5 years The barriers to email marketing success How the C-suite and email marketers…

Innovative Partner Interview with Movable Ink

I recently spoke with Movable Ink, which just integrated Litmus’ Instant Previews into their platform. Here are the questions they asked me: How does email marketing fit into the larger digital marketing picture? How have you seen email greatly impact your business? When is email data most critical to your efforts: During…

The Dangers of Conversion Inflation

We’ve changed the rules of marketing a lot during the Internet Era—and it hasn’t all been in the scrappy upstart way. A huge part of that has been the metrics that we use to measure success. For instance, we replaced readership in the world of magazine and newspaper ads with impressions in…

What Is a Conversion? And Is an Email Conversion Different?

Conversions are a critical metric for most email programs. However, in part because email programs have a bunch of secondary goals that are unique from the business’s goals, the definition of a conversion has become more than a little hazy, creating misalignments at some brands. To clarify the definition, we asked 5…

4 Fears Email Marketers Need to Conquer

When Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers came out in 2008, everyone was really taken by the “10,000 Hour Rule,” which said that it took roughly 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. At the time, I worked at the email marketing agency Smith-Harmon and we liked the concept so much that we created…

Email Marketing’s ROI Doesn’t Matter

We love email marketing here at Litmus, and are frankly often frustrated that some companies don’t see its value. To try to convince them, we frequently tout email marketing’s stellar return on investment, which is 38-to-1, according to research by the Direct Marketing Association. We’ve mentioned it in this report and this…

2 New Reasons Email Attribution Will Get Even Messier

Email has long had a reputation as a highly trackable channel. Marketers love it because you can see a subscriber open an email, click on links in the body content, visit their website, and convert. The problem is that for many brands, this linear A-to-B-to-C-to-D email interaction is increasingly rare—and already rare…

Different Subscriber Segments Require Different Success Metrics

Our subscribers aren’t all the same. They have different goals, which means that marketers should have different strategies for optimizing those relationships and measuring the success of those relationships. Vicky Ge, Marketing Manager, Trade Books, at, is very mindful of the different audiences that the ecommerce giant serves. At The Email…

The Often Missing Element in Email Marketing Success Metrics: Time

Email marketing success metrics are incredibly tricky, in part because it’s very easy to fall into a mindset of evaluating campaign success instead of program or customer success. While individual campaigns are important—some being critical—the collective impact of our campaigns on the engagement of our subscribers is even more important. It’s an…