4 Ways to Boost Digital Marketing Margins When Discounting

Discount messaging is a staple of holiday messaging. In fact, 56% of the subject lines used by retail and ecommerce brands for their 2023 holiday email campaigns mentioned discount amounts, according to Oracle Digital Experience Agency research. And, of course, many more campaigns featured discounts without mentioning them in their subject lines….
Digital Marketing Domination podcast: Optimizing Email Campaigns

What’s a good open rate? A good click rate? What metrics should businesses be focusing on? And how can they increase them? I join Digital Marketing Domination podcast host Jamil Zabaneh to talk about how businesses can optimize their email marketing results, and much more. Here’s a rundown of our conversation during…
Fourth Quarter 2023 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

The holiday season doesn’t have an off-season. Having a successful holiday season means executing a successful year-round strategy. Oracle’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives you a quarter-by-quarter plan for how to achieve more during this critical time of the year. Our fourth quarter guide contains a 23-point checklist that helps you wrap up…
Digital Marketing Tests to Run in the Runup to the Holiday Season

The back-to-school season, Labor Day, and Halloween represent great opportunities to better align with your ever-changing customers before heading into the all-important holiday season, when digital marketing misalignments are most costly. Is your branding strong? Are your offers clear and focused on what’s in it for your audience? Are we making it…
Marketing Book Podcast: ‘A Lot of Structural Changes to How Email Marketing Works’

Six years after being on the Marketing Book Podcast to discuss the 3rd edition of Email Marketing Rules, I rejoin host Douglas Burdett to talk about the new 4th edition. During our 1 hour and 17 minute conversation, we cover a wide range of topics, including: What’s new in the 4th edition…
Fourth Quarter 2022 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

The holiday season doesn’t have an off-season. Having a successful holiday season means executing a successful four-quarter strategy. Oracle Consulting’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives you a quarter-by-quarter plan for how to achieve more during the critical holiday season. The fourth quarter is focused on wrapping up your final prep and then taking…
Good Taxonomy Leads to Great Digital Marketing Optimization Opportunities

Digital marketing is flush with optimization opportunities, but only if you have a highly organized program. A central key to that is having a solid taxonomy, where you use tagging to keep track of various program elements. This kind of tagging system is key to easily and regularly optimizing your: Audience acquisition…