5 Steps to Optimize Web Modals & Boost Visitor Engagement

5 Steps to Optimize Web Modals & Boost Visitor Engagement

Popups, popovers, slide-ins, lightboxes, and other web modals are powerful because they demand attention. That’s why so many brands use them to drive email signups, SMS opt-ins, lead generation content downloads, event registrations, and other audience-building efforts. However, when modals demand too much attention too loudly or too often, they can be…

How to Identify & Create More Great Customers

How to Identify & Create More Great Customers

Every B2B company wants more customers. But even more than that, you want great customers. You want customers who are loyal and spend a lot with you. It’s the old 80-20 rule, where 20% of your customers are likely generating 80% of your revenue. Ideally, you’d like to grow that 20%, because…

Evolving Your Account-Based Marketing Program [with on-demand webinar]

Evolving Your Account-Based Marketing Program

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a marketing and sales approach that focuses on a small number of high-value accounts rather than trying to market to a huge number of potential customers across an entire industry. With this focus, brands then send these accounts highly tailored marketing content and sales outreach to close the…

Surveys, Polls, Forms, & Progressive Profiling: Writing Questions that Deliver Valuable Insights

Surveys, Polls, Forms, and Progressive Profiling- How to Write Questions That Deliver Valuable Insights

With the end of third-party cookies, brands are increasingly focusing on collecting more zero-party data directly from their customers and prospects so they can better understand their needs and wants. While larger surveys will play a role, most brands will gain insights a few answers at a time through signup forms, profile…

Email Marketing Trends for 2024: Competitive Differentiators

Email Marketing Trends for 2024 - Competitive Differentiators

Email marketing is constantly evolving, so it can be difficult to know where to invest your time and energy from year to year. Just a few of the recent changes and challenges that email marketers have had to deal with include: Economic uncertainty caused by high interest rates New deliverability requirements from…

First Quarter 2024 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

Q1 2024 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

The holiday season doesn’t have an off-season. Having a successful holiday season means executing a successful four-quarter strategy. Oracle Digital Experience Agency’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives you a quarter-by-quarter plan for how to achieve more during the critical holiday season with your digital marketing efforts. The first quarter is focused on seizing…

Third Quarter 2023 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

Third Quarter 2023 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

The holiday season doesn’t have an off-season. Having a successful holiday season means executing a successful year-round strategy. Oracle’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives you a quarter-by-quarter plan for how to achieve more during this critical time of the year. The third quarter is focused on the final prep for the start of…

Is Your Brand Trusted Significantly More than ChatGPT?

Is Your Brand Trusted Significantly More Than ChatGPT?

The answer to that question will determine which brands truly have credibility and authority in the years ahead and which do not. Those who are more trustworthy than generative AI engines like ChatGPT will: Be destinations for answer-seekers, generating strong direct traffic to their websites and robust app usage Be able to…

6 of My All-Time Favorite Quotes about Marketing

6 Expert Quotes for Transforming Email Marketing

In the new 4th edition of Email Marketing Rules, I include quotes from scores of experts who have impacted how I think about the email channel, as well as about marketing in general. Here, I’d like to share six of my favorite quotes along with the wisdom I see in them. In…

91 Days Success Podcast: Email Marketing Unleashed

91 Days Success Podcast: Email Marketing Unleashed

I join Jonathan Mast, the host of the 91 Days Success Podcast, to chat about how to use email marketing wisely, strategically, and productively. During the 50-minute podcast, we talk about: How I got my start in email marketing Why I wrote the 1st edition of Email Marketing Rules Why I’ve now…