Email Evolution Conference 2020: The State of Email Marketing

Marketers are operating in turbulent times. The challenges are daunting: The worst health crisis since 1918 The worst financial crisis since 1933 The worst social unrest since 1968. The shock to the system has been so great that marketers have largely scrapped their 2020 marketing plans. March marked the new start of…
Netcore Podcast: There Is Opportunity in Disruption and Email Is the Key

Email marketing has changed in dramatic ways since March. I join Netcore’s Email Unplugged Podcast to speak with Dennis Dayman about these changes and how marketers have responded and what they should think about moving forward. During our conversation, we talk about: Companies’ coronavirus crisis messaging in mid March and how consumers…
On-Demand Webinar: The Questions to Ask Instead about Email Performance Measurement

Not achieving your email marketing goals is frustrating, but achieving your goals and then not achieving success is devastating. This happens when marketers and executives ask the wrong questions. When that happens, the answer almost doesn’t matter, because it’s likely to cause you to put the wrong strategies in place regardless. A…
The Last Word on May 2020
A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports The Old Reliable: Salesforce Study Shows Email Still Ranks High In Marketing Use (MediaPost) How to create a BIMI-compatible logo using SVG images (ValiMail) Insightful & entertaining tweets Opting-in is something someone…
On-Demand Webinar: Understanding Email Deliverability

Email deliverability can feel out of your control, like your emails are hot air balloons being blown whichever way the inbox provider winds blow. However, this isn’t really true. Businesses actually have a lot of control over whether their emails reach the inboxes of their subscribers, but they have to understand the…