UNSPAM Conference: Work & Industry Trends

UNSPAM - Work Trends presentation

I had the honor of presenting at Really Good Emails’ UNSPAM conference in March. It was special in part because the RGE team asked me to present the results of their annual industry survey. More than 1,500 email marketers completed the survey, which asked them about their time and experiences in the…

Keep Optimising Podcast: Chad S. White, Author of ‘Email Marketing Rules’

Keep Optimizing Podcast - Chad White

I am excited to be the first guest on Chloe Thomas’ new podcast series, Keep Optimizing. The series will look at a different marketing channel each month, starting with email marketing. During the 51-minute episode, we discuss a wide range of issues, including: How I got my start in email marketing Why…

Holiday Marketing Quarterly: Third Quarter 2020 Checklist

Q3 2020 Holiday Marketing Guide

Oracle’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives B2C brands a quarter-by-quarter checklist for how to achieve more during the critical holiday season with their email marketing and other digital marketing channels. Along with guidance on planning, strategy, and prioritization, you’ll get advice and tips from some of Oracle CX Marketing Consulting’s more than 500 digital…

Common Marketing Outliers: Identifying & Managing Them

Common Marketing Outliers & How to Manage Them

The chances are high that your audience across your various channels is diverse—made up of people with different needs, different values, different constraints, and more. That’s why smart marketers develop marketing personas to help them better cater to the various groups of people that their brand attracts. However, sometimes one or more…

On-Demand Webinar: The Questions to Ask Instead about Email Performance Measurement

The Questions to Ask Instead: Email Performance Measurement

Not achieving your email marketing goals is frustrating, but achieving your goals and then not achieving success is devastating. This happens when marketers and executives ask the wrong questions. When that happens, the answer almost doesn’t matter, because it’s likely to cause you to put the wrong strategies in place regardless. A…

8 Email Marketing Improvements to Make During Slow Periods

8 Email Marketing Improvements to Make During Slow Periods

When your business’s promotional email frequency is high during its peak season, chances are that your email program is almost exclusively focused on getting that next email out the door. However, you generally have more time to think about your strategy and invest in lasting improvements during your off-season—as well as during…

Email Behavior Changes in the Age of Coronavirus

How Coronavirus Has Changed Email Behavior

The coronavirus has disrupted most people’s lives, changing how they work, socialize, eat, and educate their children. It has also changed email behavior in profound and sometimes surprising ways. Let’s look at some of the changes in email behavior that we’ve seen in aggregated data from some of our Oracle CX Marketing…

Holiday Marketing Quarterly: Second Quarter 2020 Checklist

Q2 2020 Holiday Marketing Quarterly

Oracle’s Holiday Marketing Quarterly gives B2C brands a quarter-by-quarter checklist for how to achieve more during the critical holiday season with their email marketing and other digital marketing channels. Along with guidance on planning, strategy, and prioritization, you’ll get advice and tips from some of Oracle CX Marketing Consulting’s more than 500…

Email Marketing Trends for 2020: Competitive Differentiators

Email Marketing Trends for 2020: Competitive Differentiators

In the ever-changing world of email marketing, it can be difficult to know where to invest your time and energy. To help you prioritize your email marketing efforts this year, we surveyed Oracle CX Marketing Consulting’s more than 500 digital marketing experts, asking them to rate the current adoption of a range…

Design Analytic: Identify and Solve Actual Problems

Using Design Analytics to Identify and Solve Actual Problems

Marketers have access to innovative technologies and massive amounts of data to enable connected customer experiences, but time and time again we see our clients struggling to activate it all. Marketers are defining their strategies, selecting key performance indicators, and determining the customer experiences they need to drive those KPIs. Then they’re…