The Last Word on September 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Improving Gmail Delivery (Word to the Wise) 7 Really Good Unsubscribe Pages + Preference Centers (Really Good Emails) What’s the Most Annoying Thing About Email Marketing? (eMarketer) Getting GDPR consent & opt-in…

The Last Word on August 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports 2017 A-Z of Email Marketing Guide (SendGrid) Interactive Email: The Guide to Earth-Shattering Inbox Experiences (Delivra) 3 step guide to email-friendly MEGA-GIFs (Email Design Review) Rapportive founder’s new startup Superhuman is what…

The Last Word on July 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Why no one has ‘re-invented’ email yet (Mashable) Thou Shalt Not Rent Email Lists: An Interview with Adestra’s Ryan Phelan (MediaPost) Amazon sent nearly 700 million promotion emails on Prime Day (Digital…

The Last Word on June 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Why Mark Zuckerberg Was Wrong About Email (Inc.) Growth in Digital Users in US (The Next 10,000 Hours) How the top 100 US e-retailers are using welcome emails (and what marketers can…

The Last Word on May 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports The Halo Effect: Marketers Stuck In Last-Click Attribution (MediaPost) The New Age Of Infinite Media And What It Means For Marketing (Forbes) Using the Customer Journey to Help You Achieve Sales Success…

The Last Word on April 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Email Awards. Should We Have them? (Really Good Emails) B2B Personas: Targeting Audiences (Salesforce) 3 Reasons the Death of Data Privacy Rules is Bad for Advertisers (DMNews) Email Marketing & Marketing Automation…

The Last Word on March 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Sending an email with no CSS. #EmailWeekly Redesign – Week 1 (Medium) The Conversion Benchmark Report (Unbounce) Insightful & entertaining tweets Love @zillow‘s approach 2 getting email team close 2 engineering means…

The Last Word on February 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Should we stop inlining styles in emails? (Medium) Gmail promotions tab inbox delivery stats (Zettasphere) America Loves Email (Relevancy Group) Email, LinkedIn and white papers remain key strategies in lead gen for…

The Last Word on January 2017

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Animated GIFs in emails, message word count, and reply-to addresses: benchmark data findings (IBM THINK Marketing) Preheader Text: 6 Models and a Case Study with a 96% Lift in Revenue-per-Email (Jeanne Jennings)…

The Last Word on December 2016

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Email Smashes Social Again To Drive One In Five Cyber Monday Sales (MediaPost) And my four email marketing predictions for 2017 are…. (Adestra) Limitations of HTML Email Design – Email Width and…