The Last Word on December 2021

The Last Word

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports 2022 Marketing Predictions for an Increasingly Digital World (MarketingProfs) Defining the Four Types of Data and Knowing When to Use Them (Litmus) Insightful & entertaining tweets It’s been a minute since we’ve…

The Last Word on November 2021

The Last Word

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Holiday Apple Pie: MPP Is Having An Impact At A Bad Time (MediaPost) Micro-Conversions: What They Are and Why They Matter (MarketingProfs) Email Shopping Reimagined (Postmaster @ Yahoo & AOL) When Cookies…

The Last Word on October 2021

The Last Word

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports The Trust Delusion: Consumers Have Less Faith in Brands Than Brands Think They Do (Email Insider) 8 Tips to Turn Subscribers into Loyalists (Only Influencers) Post-Purchase Emails: 12 Ways to Drive Customer…

The Last Word on September 2021

The Last Word

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Email for All report (Action Rocket and Beyond the Envelope) Skinny Santa: Salesforce Expects Higher Costs, Fewer Online Orders This Holiday Season (MediaPost) Insightful & entertaining tweets Copywriting is like a joke:…

The Last Word on August 2021

The Last Word

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports What Are Stores Even Thinking With All These Emails? (The Atlantic) The Conscientious Marketer: Don’t Send Emails to People Who Have Unsubscribed (MediaPost) How the Pandemic Has Changed Marketing (MarketingProfs) Why Does…

The Last Word on July 2021

The Last Word

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports The Real Impact of Email Tracking (Taxi for Email) Screen Reader User Survey #9 Results (WebAIM) Insightful & entertaining tweets Copy Experiment: Don’t write a “call to action” Write a “call to…

The Last Word on June 2021

The Last Word

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports ‘Dear Intern: it gets better.’ Monica Lewinsky joins Twitter users backing the HBO Max intern behind the ‘Integration Test Email’ fail (MarketWatch) Losing Open Tracking Will Not Kill Email (Martech Today) BIMI:…

The Last Word on May 2021

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Senators Roll Out Bipartisan Data Privacy Bill (The Verge) Email Marketing for Gen Z: Statistics and Strategies (MailPoet) Email Resources Email Marketing Benchmarks and Statistics by Industry (Mailchimp) US 2020 Messaging Engagement…

The Last Word on April 2021

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Consumer Email Tracker: Deep-Dive Insights from the Email Council (DMA UK) Cookie Anxiety: Why Brands Are Sweating And What They Can Do About It (MediaPost) 21 Email Marketing Thought Leaders: Our Top…

The Last Word on March 2021

A roundup of email marketing articles, posts, and tweets you might have missed last month… Must-read articles, posts & reports Is Your C-Suite Equipped to Lead a Digital Transformation? (Harvard Business Review) What Do Website Visitors Want? It’s Not What B2B Brands Are Giving Them (Orbit Media Studios) Introducing the Dark Storefront:…