The Under-Staffing of Email Marketing Teams: 4 Faulty Justifications

Insufficient staffing and resourcing are major, persistent problems in the email marketing industry. Email marketers told Litmus that insufficient staffing was No. 2 on their list of the biggest email marketing challenges of 2018. They also told us that adding new staff and expanding their use of agencies and freelancers was at the bottom of their list of email marketing priorities for 2018.
The failure to address what is clearly a common problem may be because of several misconceptions and blocking issues. Here are some common ones:
Everyone is under-resourced, so this isn’t actually a problem. It’s just whining.
Lean programs are successful programs. It forces teams to get creative.
We’ve had trouble attracting full-time employees to work on our email team. We’ll just have to make do with the staff we have.
We don’t have time to do the research required to determine the best way to resource our email marketing team.
We tackle each of those, sharing research on why those shouldn’t be holding your program back.