Email Marketing in 2020 Report

Email marketing is not for the faint of heart. The channel is constantly evolving—whether mobile devices and wearables are redefining email design, inbox providers are redefining engagement and deliverability, or ESPs are redefining personalization and targeting. All this change means that marketers are always reacting, learning, and planning for the future as…

Following the Big Data Breadcrumbs to Email Insights

The scale at which consumers generate data across web, social, mobile, offline, and other channels is truly staggering. To compete and serve our customers well, the scale at which we sort through all that data for actionable insights needs to match. Enter Big Data. Matt Laudato, Senior Manager of Big Data Analytics…

Going Beyond Demographic Segmentation & Finding the Right Segments

Achieving one-to-one messaging is a great goal, but reducing our reliance on one-to-all broadcast messaging is probably a better, more realistic goal for most brands. This is where the one-to-some of segmented messaging can be very powerful. Jen Rhee, Email Marketing Manager at online learning marketplace Udemy, knows a lot about segmentation…

Different Subscriber Segments Require Different Success Metrics

Our subscribers aren’t all the same. They have different goals, which means that marketers should have different strategies for optimizing those relationships and measuring the success of those relationships. Vicky Ge, Marketing Manager, Trade Books, at, is very mindful of the different audiences that the ecommerce giant serves. At The Email…

The Shadow War for Holiday Email Marketing Victory

Retailers have long been concerned about tipping their hands to competitors, particularly during the critical holiday season. Using more personalization, segmentation, and triggered messaging increases the fog of war, making it more difficult for competitors to broadly know what you’re doing, especially when these strategies account for a majority of program revenue….

10 Tips to Get Your Email Marketing Program Ready for the Holiday Season

It’s November, which means that it’s official: The holiday season is here! Retailers, hopefully you’ve been warming up your subscribers and generating some early holiday sales over the past month or two, but now things start getting serious. To help you make the most of the holiday season, here are 10 tips…

Improve Your Holiday Season Campaign Results by Sending These 3 Emails Now

The email marketing holiday season will kick into overdrive during the week of Thanksgiving. But before we get to that point, here are three emails that B2C brands should be sending now to get their databases in good shape for a successful holiday season: Re-permission Emails for your chronically inactive subscribers Win-Back…

5 Tips to Get Your Triggered Emails Ready for the Holiday Season

Triggered emails are not “set it and forget it”; they are “review and renew.” That’s especially true going into key selling seasons, like retailers are about to do. During November and December, retailers’ transactional emails and triggered emails will be high-performance assets. Here are 5 ways retailers can make their triggered emails…

4 Reasons Broadcast Emails May Be Making Your Email Program Less Competitive in the Future

Mainly driven by increases in broadcast messages, per subscriber email volume has increased at more than a 15% compound annual growth rate over the past decade. It’s an impressive growth streak—and a testament to consumers’ strong preference for brands to communicate with them via email versus other channels. It’s also a streak…

4 Characteristics of Contextually Aware Emails

“Email is the most contextual medium—much more than the web,” Kevin Mandeville, Litmus’ content designer, said during a targeting and hacks workshop at The Email Design Conference in Boston last week. “We know much more about our users.” Kevin was speaking mostly about marketers’ ability to target email clients like Outlook and…