Rightsizing Your Use of Digital Marketing Agencies

Rightsizing Your Use of Digital Marketing Agencies

Digital marketing programs are dynamic, with needs, goals, and circumstances that change from year to year—even quarter to quarter. Regardless of what is changing, working with a digital marketing agency can be the solution. That’s because most agencies offer a variety of kinds of engagements that range from short-term to long-term, as well as limited to extensive.

Here at Oracle Marketing Consulting, we have clients across all of those spectrums. We see them as falling into four kinds of engagements:

  1. Project-based engagements that are short-term and limited in scope
  2. Seasonal engagements that are short-term and extensive in scope
  3. Role-based engagements that are long-term and limited in scope
  4. Full service engagements that are long-term and extensive in scope

Let’s talk about each of those in more detail…

>> Read the entire post on Oracle’s Modern Marketing Blog

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