7 Advanced Digital Marketing Metrics Most Brands Don’t Use, But Should

Brands are increasingly recognizing metrics like email opens, web traffic, and social media likes for what they are—surface metrics that churn wildly and are directionally noisy. While it’s still important to track those high-level metrics, optimizing for them often doesn’t translate into deeper engagement. Indeed, sometimes maximizing those metrics leads marketers to adopt clickbaity headlines and other tactics that erode customer trust and lead to fatigue, audience loss, and poor performance.
To get better aligned with both their customers and long-term business goals, more marketers are adopting a range of advanced analytics and performance metrics. Let’s talk about some of the ones that our experts at Oracle Marketing Consulting most frequently use with our clients, including:
- Velocity
- Average weekly frequency
- Click reach
- Revenue per subscriber
- Lifetime value
- Acquisition cost per subscriber
- Return on investment
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