4 Ways Your Math May Be Steering Your Email Marketing Program Wrong

As more marketers embark on their personal journeys to become data-driven marketers, most are finding the road to be a rocky one. The central problem they’re encountering is a surprising one: It’s that their data doesn’t always lead them to the best decision.
Why is that? Sometimes the wrong lesson is being taken from the data. Other times it’s the data that’s one level deeper in the data pool that they should be using. And sometimes the data is being used to power one action plan when it should be used to power several.
Ultimately, it’s because it’s not really data that we’re after in the first place—it’s insights. In this blog post, Clink Kaiser, Head of Analytic & Strategic Services at Oracle Marketing Consulting, shares four examples of how to be an insight-driven marketer.
>> Read the entire post on Oracle’s Modern Marketing Blog