Responsive-Aware Email Design’s Growing Appeal

Read all of Chad's Marketing Land columnsSeveral years into the Age of Mobile, brands are finally catching up to consumers, who have been well ahead of them in adopting a mobile. Spurred by Google penalizing websites that aren’t mobile-friendly in search results, 93% of B2C brands now have websites that render and function well on desktops and smartphones, according to joint research between Litmus and Salesforce. And driven by the fact that the majority of emails are now opened on mobile devices, 77% of B2C brands now send mobile-friendly emails, up from 56% a year ago.

Responsive email design—along with, to a much smaller degree, hybrid email design—has become the dominant approach for creating emails that look great and function appropriately across devices big and small. That design approach is used by 50% of B2C brands, compared to 27% using mobile-aware design.

However, not all brands have fully embraced responsive. Some brands are using a mix of responsive and mobile-aware design called responsive-aware design. The percentage of B2C brands using this approach more than doubled over the past year to 20% from 9%.

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