Imagining an Amazon Email Client: Prime Mail

Gmail is getting old. What’s the next hot email app?
That was the gist of a tweet I saw early this year. At the time, the question made me reflect on the different features and capabilities of all of the major inbox providers, and what those differences said about inbox providers’ attitudes and beliefs about email. It was that reflection that led me to write What’s Wrong with Email Marketing?
But the question still remains: What’s the next hot email app?
While there have been several new email inbox apps since Gmail launched nearly two decades ago in 2004, these apps have generally had very narrow appeal around niche concerns. Convinced that the next hot email app doesn’t currently exist, I wondered:
- What company has the ability to build it?
- What company has the justification to build it?
- What company has the ability to scale adoption?
Only one company came to mind…Amazon.
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