What Is a Conversion? And Is an Email Conversion Different?

What Is an Email ConversionConversions are a critical metric for most email programs. However, in part because email programs have a bunch of secondary goals that are unique from the business’s goals, the definition of a conversion has become more than a little hazy, creating misalignments at some brands.

To clarify the definition, we asked 5 experts to share their thoughts on the issue:

  • Alex Birkett, Growth Marketer at ConversionXL
  • Steve Linney, Founder of eMRKTNG
  • Erin King, Sr. Email Marketing Manager at Litmus
  • April Mullen, Sr. Marketing Strategist at Selligent
  • John Caldwell, President of Red Pill Email

To learn the difference between micro-conversions and macro-conversions, email conversions and website conversions, direct conversions and indirect conversions, and conversions and conversions to sale, then…

>> Read the entire post on the Litmus blog

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