Leadership & Fatherhood: An Inspiring Father’s Day Tribute

Leadership & Fatherhood- An Inspiring Father's Day Tribute

As a father of three boys (12, 15, and 27), including one with special needs, fatherhood has been a defining influence on my life. So, I am thrilled to join some of the dads at Stripo in sharing how being a parent has influenced my leadership style.

For me, being a dad and a primary caregiver has helped me develop three skills that might have otherwise taken me longer. For instance, I’ve learned to prioritize. I can’t always do everything that’s asked of me, or that I’d like to do. Not being able to do it all helps me decide what’s really important.

It’s also made me a better communicator. Short, clear requests and instructions lead to less confusion and better outcomes. That’s a learning that carries over nicely to email marketing, too.

And lastly, being a dad has made me more flexible and empathetic. Even with solid, way-in-advance planning, sometimes things go sideways. Life happens. It happens to me, it happens to my colleagues, and it happens to my industry friends. We have an unofficial motto in our family: Don’t make it worse. When others are struggling and I can’t directly help, I try to do my best to adapt, go with the flow, and not make the situation more difficult for them. How can we pivot, adapt, delay, or reduce the expectations around what we’re working on? Sometimes the goal becomes just to get through.

For all the great, heartfelt advice on the intersection of parenthood and leadership…

>> Read the entire article on Stripo.email

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