Pressure Builds for New US Privacy Law as State Laws Pile Up

Momentum toward a new comprehensive US privacy law started with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which passed in 2018 and went into effect in 2020. Since it was signed into law, more than a dozen other states have passed their own privacy laws to enhance consumer privacy rights, regulate the collection and use of personal information by businesses, and establish mechanisms for enforcement and compliance.
Costs and complexities of complying with the patchwork of state privacy laws is creating headaches for regional, national and international organizations. Because of that increasing frustration among businesses, Congress has finally felt the pressure to act. Last month, it introduced the bipartisan American Privacy Rights Act (APRA).
While that bill winds its way through Congress, facing revisions and uncertain passage, marketers must comply with an ever-growing list of state-level privacy laws from California, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, Virginia, Colorado, Tennessee, Indiana, Colorado, and others.
In this post, Oracle Digital Experience Agency’s Brian Sullivan discusses how marketers can adapt to these laws, but first he talks about what these laws currently require.
>> Read the entire post on Oracle’s Modern Marketing Blog