Find Your Email Inspiration in the 2014 Best of the Email Swipe File

2014 Best of the Email Swipe FileA swipe file is a record of your top-performing campaigns that you return to for learnings and ideas. It was this concept that inspired us to create the Email Swipe File on Pinterest, where we share the emails and landing pages that excite and impress us. We’ve already shared more than 310 examples of email awesomeness dating all the way back to 2006—and there’s much more to come.

In the 2014 Best of the Email Swipe File, we highlight the 20 examples from the past year that we love most and put them in the context of five trends that are having a major impact on email design:

  • ADVANCED PERSONALIZATION: Personalization that goes way beyond first-name merges is one of the key ways marketers can make their messages more relevant to individual subscribers.
  • TRIGGERED SOPHISTICATION: Explore ways to make triggered emails ever better—with longer campaigns, smarter content, and better triggers.
  • SMART RENDERING: Rendering tactics can ensure that your message is optimized for the platform, situation, person, and time of open.
  • UNIQUE VOICE: Influenced by content marketing and social media engagement, the voice of marketers is undergoing a shift from promotional, corporate and detached to helpful, conversational and timely.
  • INSPIRED FUNDAMENTALS: Don’t forget the fundamental messaging and design tactics that have been effective for years, like creating messaging that’s on brand, focused, and sharable.

Learn more about these trends, see which email campaigns we loved best, and check out the ideas we most hope you’ll steal, test and make your own. Get inspired!

>> Download the 2014 Best of the Email Swipe File

>> Download the 2013 Best of the Email Swipe File

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